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Price list
Hotel Day · PLN 80-90 (per person)
Breakfast · PLN 25 (buffet)
Dinner · PLN 35
We offer discounts for organized groups.
Stay packages apply during long weekends, holidays and New Year's Eve.
The reservation is made after paying a deposit of 30% of the price to the account:
SANTANDER 56 1090 1391 0000 0001 1899 0380
"Liczyrzepa" Lewandowski, ul. Słowackiego 8, 58-580 Szklarska Poręba within 3 days from the date of reservation.
IBAN Santander (formerly BZ WBK): full 26-digit account number of the transfer recipient and "PL" before the account number
IBAN: PL 56 1090 1391 0000 0001 1899 0380
Santander (formerly BZ WBK) BIC/SWIFT code: WBKPPLPP
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